Forecast API Description

We provide a modular, yet easy to use, forecasting API allowing you to get forecast data for a wide range of weather variables such as (but not limited to) wind, pressure, temperature, precipitations, sea currents, etc. for a specified location.

These forecasts can be computed for every location on the planet, with time interval varying from 1 minute to 3 hours and up to a horizon of 7 days into the future.

All requests should be sent via the HTTPS protocol and the forecast data will be returned through the response body and will respect the JSON format specifications. Thanks to HTTPS query strings, you can tailor the forecast to fit your specific needs, e.g. you may be interested only in wind forecast for the next 2 days, or in the sea currents for the next 3 hours, etc.

You may use this API for free if you do not exceed the amount of free requests per day. In case you want to perform more requests, upgrade to the PRO version and you will get free requests every day and then for every extra request after exceeding the free quota you will pay a fixed price per extra request. More information can be found in the pricing section.

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